Stay in gold is our decoration company that is specialized in all types of home deco software. From the time you contact us - you and your home - will be treated to a carefully considered styling approach. Our expertise allows us to showcase your home’s uniqueness, reflect today’s trends and capture the eye of today’s discerning buyer.
Stay in gold是我們公司旗下專門負責軟件裝飾的公司。當你聯絡我們這一刻起,你的家,就會被我們用以時尚的手法,細膩的規劃著。我們會將當下最時尚的美感帶入你的家,並賦予它獨特的品味。
Light Fur
全室軟件 &
Mainly we will style your home with carefully selected furniture, lights, curtain, wall paper, and all decorative items.
This option is good for house or condo in good condition.
適合: 屋況很好,房子只需要簡單整理的屋主,省下的裝修預算,可以運用在將來換房時可以帶走的傢俱軟裝上。

Mainly we will not do any millwork and create your own style by furniture and decoration. This option is good for client do not want to have built in furniture.
All room Fur&Deco
全室軟件 &佈置

After our design and construction service, you can hire our ONLY DECO service to have some touch up of your home. We will light your space up with eye catching decoration pieces.
This option is good for developers who wants to beauty up the show room. Or anyone who wants to take good photos of your place for easier renting out service.
適合: 建設公司及地產公司,需要擺設陳列,或作品拍照。 若需要大規模的裝修設計,有任何空間需求,都歡迎與我們討論。
Only Deco 佈置

Display 陳列佈置
Starting from $19,000, a daily based rental or purchase. Fro enhancing the design elements and elevate the design senses. Appointment two weeks in advance is required.
1萬9起 以當日租借或直接買斷方式,為需要拍攝的空間做整體視覺規劃,藉由軟件的注入進而畫龍點睛,並延伸案場原設計理念加以美化增色(需兩週前預約)。